Data Bound Item Properties

Under Construction

This section is incomplete.


We're working on filling in the missing information as quickly as possible. If there's something you'd like to see here, use the "Report an Issue with this Page" link at the bottom of this page to let us know.

Event to edit item

Specify the item event to open the editor. If you want full control over how the editor is opened, select the 'Custom' option and then add the code to open the editor to the appropriate event handler.

Inherit from

There are many built in functionalities inside Alpha Anywhere, such that it is not necessary to create custom data binding for each item that you define. The 'Inherit from' property helps you define what functionalities pertain to what items.

Item class name

This is the class name that will be in the 'control wrapper' for each control if an explicit value for the class name is NOT specified in the 'Item class name' property for the individual control on the Form Layout (Genie Mode) tab.